Royal Staff

Chief of Staff

The Chief of Staff’s office oversees the coordination of the royal staff and general management of the reign.

Chief of Staff

Maistresse Mariette de Bretagne (She/Her)

Contact Maistresse Mariette

Deputy Chief of Staff

Lady Dionisia Uccelli (She/Her)

Contact Lady Dionisia

Chief of Staff Trainee

The Honorable Lord Bran mac Cianain (He/Him)

Contact Lord

Event Coordinator

The Event Coordinator liaises with event stewards and their staff, sharing pertinent information with the rest of the royal staff about upcoming events and providing helpful information about Royal needs and whims to event teams.

Event Coordinator

Mèstra Isabel del Okes (She/Her)

Contact Isabel del Okes

Deputy Event Coordinator

Aisha bint Allan (They/Them)

Contact Aisha

Vox Regis

The Vox is the voice of The Crown, boasting Them into court, coordinating heralds to read the scrolls for awards being given, and witnessing official court business.

Vox Regis

Hlærifađer Grim the Skald (He/Him)

Contact Hlærifađer Grim


The Royal Webminister is responsible for creating and maintaining Their Highnesses’ website.


Lord Antonius Gracchus
Known as Twyg

Contact Lord Twyg

Retaining Staff

The Head Retainer and their deputies are in charge of organizing retainer support for the royals at events.

Head Retainer

Lady Ashling MacKynnand (She/Her)

Contact Lady Ashling

Deputy Head Retainer

Lady Olalla Tristana (She/Her)

Contact Lady Olalla

Southern region retainer

Lady Emine bint Yazid (She/Her)

Contact Lady Emine

Central region retainer

Baroness Eleanor inghean Mhic Congaill (She/Her)

Contact Baroness Eleanor

Tir Mara retainer

Lady Mariette de Montclair (She/Her)

Contact Lady Mariette

Would you like to help retain for Their Highnesses?

Please consider joining our Facebook group:
Facebook Retainers Group

The Guard

The Captain of the Guard and their deputies are responsible for the set up and tear down of Royal spaces at events and providing guard support for the Consort and the Royal Room.

Captain of the Guard

Baroness Röskva mac Cianain
“Widowmaker” (She/Her)

Contact Baroness Röskva

Deputy Captain of the Guard

The Honorable Lord Vargus Ulfr (Him/They/Them)

Contact THL Vargus

The Land of Stuff

There are many needful things for a reign, and donations are always welcome! Contact the
coordinators below if you would like to contribute in any of these areas.

Largesse & Gift Coordinator

The largesse & gift coordinator organizes and distributes art and supplies from the populace to visiting royals, baronial figureheads, and the populace at large at the discretion of The Crown.

Lady Thurayyā bint Sitt al-Sirr (She/Her)

Contact Melmyra (Thurayya)

Toybox Coordinator

The toybox coordinator ensures that the East Kingdom Toybox is always full of surprises for the velociraptors of the East.

Lord Dustin Null mac Cianain (He/Him)

Contact Lord Dustin

Favor Coordinator

The favor coordinator promotes the creation of the Consort’s favors and arranges for their collection so that the Consort has plenty of favors to distribute to the populace.

Lady Sága mac Cianain (She/They)

Contact Lady Sága

Major Domo

The Majordomo works with the East Kingdom Pennsic Steward to coordinate the use of the EK Royal Encampment at War.

Lady Katla of Viborg (She/Her)

Contact Lady Katla

The Spymaster

Shh. She’s not here, and you can’t know what she does! In fact, we are not sure what she does, but she’s still here all the same!

Voevoda Lada Monguligin (She/Her)

Contact Voevoda Lada