Food and Drink

For His Highness Ryouku’jin:
His Highness likes nuts, specifically cashews and pistachios (almonds
get a pass if they’re covered in wasabi.) His favorite fruits are
avocado, raspberries, and dragon fruit. He will eat beef jerky of all
varieties, and likes peanut brittle, trail mix with raisins and dark
chocolate (preferably 70% cocoa or higher), gummy bears, gummy
worms, and sour gummies in general. Whiskey and gin are alcohols of
choice; coffee is best when it’s Ethiopian, Guatemalan, or a medium
blend, and should be served black.
His Highness generally avoids carbs aside from beer. He does not
enjoy cooked fish, black licorice, chai, rum, or hazelnut-flavored
For Her Highness Indrakshi:
Her Highness appreciates a good charcuterie board, enjoying all types
of cheese, cured meats like soppressata, salami, and prosciutto,
olives, and pickled vegetables. Fruit (both fresh and dried), hummus,
and stuffed grape leaves are also welcome. Lots of water (at room
temperature) and all varieties of tea are her beverages of choice when
Her Highness does not enjoy hard boiled eggs, fish (with the
exception of salmon and sushi), and hard or dry foods in general.
Baked goods like cake and cookies should be kept to a minimum.
PLEASE NOTE: Her Highness is allergic to eggplant.