

A black background with a gold crescent moon containing the Sanskrit “i” next to a gold jackalope add two silver stars in the gap of the moon. The gold is DMC – 742. The stars are medium tin DMC – 117.


Finished favors should be 4 inches wide and a total of 21 inches long. They will then be
folded in half for use as a belt favor.


All favors, fancy or simple, can be done with embroidery, paint, appliqué, beadwork, attached metalwork, or any other technique. Her Royal Highness Indrakshi wishes for everyone to have fun doing this project and, as such, she is welcome to all forms of your beautiful art and creativity! Her Highness looks forward to seeing the skills of all artisans and their preferred mediums.

Digital formats

SVG formatEPS formatPES formatPDF format

Finished Favors

Please include a note with your SCA name and your modern name and mailing address with any favors you give. Favors can be handed to any of HRH Indrakshi’s Retainers or myself at an event. For alternate delivery, you can mail finished favors to me at:

Sága mac Cianain
115 Morningside Road
Colonia, NJ 07067

Further questions?

If you have any questions please contact me at
either: Kai Mehu on FaceBook or sagathebjorn@gmail.com

Thank you for your kind time, creativity and generosity!
In Service,
Sága mac Cianain (She/They)